Witness the madness in precious metals that began in earnest with the opening of the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) daily gold fix priced in yuan, the price of gold shot up $20 when ECB President Mario Draghi left European markets with no new monetary ammunition, and then retreated without reason, ostensibly the controllers in the West reacting to the challenge having been thrown down by the Chinese.
It was a somewhat similar condition in the silver price, which whipped up to $17.65 in early morning trading, only to be slammed down moments later on the NYMEX, below $17. The prices of both gold and silver recovered, but the message is clear: the London gold fixers and those in China are at odds over what should be the true price of precious metals.
There is a solution to this, and that would be to allow markets to work, by outlawing naked shorting, bid stuffing on the CME, high frequency trading and other tools of manipulation. Letting the market decide on the price would be a satisfactory conclusion to what is rapidly turning into an economic war zone, but it is also quite possible the opposing parties could begin using actual guns, bullets, warships and bombs to settle their differences. It is evident that the long-established edge of US monetary hegemony, via the dollar as reserve currency, is coming to an end, and with that, the era of unbacked, unsound money (fiat).
The easiest and most prudent advice to investors at this juncture would be to buy gold - and more importantly silver, since it has been so viciously violated by the bankers over the years - as quickly as possible, and in as much quantity as one can reasonably afford.
US stocks also experienced something of a double dip, once in the early trading and again just before and after noon, which ended up being the move of the day, as the Dow suffered its worst day in three weeks, with the major indices backing off from recent highs, promoted via vapid and obfuscated corporate earnings reports. While the media has been largely hushed over first quarter earnings, the truth of the matter is that most companies are not keeping up with projections, though they are beating lowered expectations. Many companies are reporting positive earnings, no doubt, but they are also lower than what they reported in the year-ago period. Once again, gains in stock prices can generally be attributed to easy monetary policy, cartel-like trading (the same big banks that brought us the last financial crash in 2008-09), and an astounding amount of group-think, wherein nobody bothers with fundamental analysis, but relies more on the whims of the moment, otherwise known as momentum trading.
Get ready for more volatility, as more and more students of the markets realize just how distorted the policies of the various powerful central banks have been.
Today's Closing Numbers:
S&P 500: 2,091.48, -10.92 (0.52%)
Dow: 17,982.52, -113.75 (0.63%)
NASDAQ: 4,945.89, -2.24 (0.05%)
Crude Oil 43.43 -1.70% Gold 1,250.10 -0.02% EUR/USD 1.1289 0.00% 10-Yr Bond 1.87 +0.86% Corn 394.00 +1.09% Copper 2.25 +0.07% Silver 17.03 -0.35% Natural Gas 2.06 -0.43% Russell 2000 1,135.77 -0.57% VIX 13.95 +5.05% BATS 1000 20,682.61 0.00% GBP/USD 1.4317 -0.04% USD/JPY 109.4370 +0.02%
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