Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Counterfeiting and Money Laundering At Its Finest: Fed To Begin Balance Sheet Unwind

If there's one thing everybody can be sure of after today's FOMC rate announcement (spoiler alert: fed funds remain unchanged), it's that the officials at the Federal Reserve will continue to tell everybody that everything is under control, until it's obvious that nothing is under control.

What the Fed will embark upon beginning in October is selling off the assets it purchased during and after the Great Financial Collapse (GFC), thos being primarily mortgage backed securities (MBS, AKA, toxic bond waste) and Treasury bills, notes, and bonds.

Of the two, the treasury issuance will be much less of a problem unloading than the MBS, since treasuries come with an implied guarantee that they're as good as the federal government's full faith and credit promise to repay... with interest and return of principal.

Those toxic mortgage backed securities, which the Fed likely purchased at or near par (100% of value), will be more of a challenge, but, being the central banker to the world, the Fed has nothing about which to worry.
Many of these MBS contain tranches of mortgages minted during the sub-prime crisis. Many of them are worthless. Many more are worth less than half of par value.

But, that does not worry the Federal Reserve, because, since they want to shrink their balance sheet, they can just sell them at whatever price they can get, because they - unlike just about any other entity in the known universe - can just print more money if they need it.

So, $4.4 trillion is going to be wound down to probably under $1 trillion over the course of six to ten years. Some of the mortgage backed securities are performing, many are not. They're in default. Somebody will buy them, ostensibly, because if not, they remain on the Fed's balance sheet - at par value.

It's ludicrous. The Fed will, let's say, sell what they consider to be $500 billion of MBS which is in fact worth maybe, $100 billion. They'll write the $400 billion off their books, in effect, taking a loss. It won't matter. It's gone. It's all just accounting, and, since the Fed doesn't report to the IRS, IMF, BIS, or anybody for that matter, they'll just whistle past the grave of homes lost or stolen by vicious, unscrupulous bankers, who, by the way, will probably be the ones repurchasing - at pennies on the dollar - the very same MBS they unloaded onto the Fed.

And, just for good measure, those very same banks will try to enforce their rights on those bonds, triggering another round of financial shenanigans, this time going after people who thought they bought properties with good title, only to learn that there are claims on them, claims that were hidden in the bowels of the Fed's books for five, six, seven or eight years.

It's the best counterfeiting and money laundering operation that's ever been hatched, and it will all be done out in the open because 99% of the people in the world don't actually understand how it all works.

In the long run, it's all flimflammery of the flimsiest variety, but our glorious central counterfeiters and money launderers just do business that way.

As they say in investing, gambling, and, supposedly, now, banking, "easy come, easy go."

At the close, Wednesday, September 20, 2017:
Dow: 22,412.59, +41.79 (+0.19%)
NASDAQ: 6,456.04, -5.28 (-0.08%)
S&P 500: 2,508.24, +1.59 (+0.06%)
NYSE Composite: 12,147.50, +15.77 (+0.13%)

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