Tuesday, September 1, 2020

COVID Hoax Continues Despite Evidence Of Massive Over-Reporting, Government, Media, Medical Collusion

Take off those stupid masks. You look like a bunch of idiots.

That's what people are thinking and saying these days to the sheep-like morons who follow orders without engaging in research or critical thinking.

On Aug 26, the CDC quietly "revised" COVID-19 numbers finding that SIX PERCENT (6%) of 153,504 reported US deaths were actually FROM COVID ALONE.

For six percent of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death, including the most common: diabetes, obesity, and heart and respiratory conditions.

The following is straight from the CDC website:
Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

Even armed with the knowledge that the COVID-19 scam-demic is significantly over-rated, over-reported, over-hyped and of little concern to most Americans, especially those under the ago fo 60 with no other medical issues, that doesn't mean the government and media isn't going to continue pushing forward with their masks-on, no parties, social-distancing agenda. "Cases" is the flavor of the month, and has been since instances of coronavirus fell off dramatically in May. By June, testing had ramped up and more cases were discovered, with the three most populous states in the country - California, Texas, and Florida - leading the charge.

It doesn't take a Ph.D. do understand that increased testing would naturally result in a rise in the number of reported cases of infection, especially since the test kits in use are highly likely to return an abundance of false positives and are designed to pick up just about anything that even remotely resembles a coronavirus, even dead virus material from flus or common colds (all coronaviruses) contracted years ago or antibodies which most healthy individuals carry to fight off infections.

Further, the counting of positives varies from state to state, city to city, and there's no control groups to limit the ways in which a test can be determined a positive.

So, according to plan, cases exploded while hospitalizations and deaths saw a slight bump. Mostly, those requiring hospitalization had at least one co-morbidity, as explained above, and the vast majority of deaths (over 90%) were in the 65 and beyond crowd. Anecdotally, a group of just over 300 individuals who graduated from the same high school in 1971 (all of them 66 to 68 years old) reported no deaths from COVID-19, so even the most at-risk groups were not being affected.

The "case-demic" has been in play for more than three months now, and the media merrily plays the tune nightly on their news broadcast and every morning on the mainstream TV shows like "Today", "Good Morning America" and the "CBS Morning Show." Americans are piling up a huge caseload, but hospitals are sending workers home and laying off nurses. The COVID disease is supposed to spread next to rural America, but that doesn't seem to be panning out as experts have predicted. Most people out in flyover country social distance by practice. Homes are spread far apart and rural folks generally get a lot closer to farm animals than to each other.

As such, the COVID scare is losing much of its punch. Cases are declining along with deaths (when properly reported, which they're generally not), but sporadic lockdowns and other draconian social conventions are being applied nonetheless, like on college campuses, which have turned into concentration camps or ersatz prisons where students are not allowed to leave their dorm rooms, cafeterias and dining halls are closed, meals are picked up or delivered and eaten in rooms and most of the classes are on Zoom or other virtual networks, making a mockery of the whole "college experience" promise.

The situation in which the government and media has put the country is quite dire. Unemployment is ridiculously high, productivity has fallen off a cliff, and people are losing their patience with overbearing restrictions being imposed upon them, so, everybody has to individually take action that will best benefit their own self-interest. The widely circulated message, "we're all in this together" be damned. A single, healthy retired person has almost nothing in common with a middle aged wife with two or three kids. Single young males have nothing in common with married, working, middle-aged females. And so on it goes. Actions which are most beneficial - socially, politically, financially - to each individual must be a top priority in the face of a government, armed with a mendacious attitude towards the common populace, with a compliant media propagandizing the preferred agenda-driven narrative.

What is at the root of the entirety of the COVID scam and government reactions is the complete implosion of the economy. The US economy went off the rails rather completely in 2008-09 and, despite the gains in stock markets, has not recovered. All of the stock market gains were paper plays mostly derived from stock buybacks. Since 2008, the Fed has bought time with various rounds of QE and ZIRP, but all of that turned to mush when the repo market imploded in September, 2019.

Put simply, the US economy, the US dollar, and its reserve status, is toast. The dollar has lost almost all of its purchasing power, banks and credit card companies, having not learned anything from the Financial Panic of '08-09, extended even more credit to even less-qualified individuals. he pandemic, be it by design or just dumb luck, came along at the right time. The economy needed to be flushed, the dollar utterly destroyed and the US economy put down.

One reason the entire economy hasn't completely fallen apart are the various actions by government and the Fed, which pumped $3 trillion into banks and other big corporations, while the federal government doled out additional unemployment insurance and $1200 checks to about 80% of the adult population. Then there are the moratoriums on foreclosures, evictions, deferrals and forbearance on credit cards, car loans, student loans, mortgages, and personal loans which show up on the banks' books as assets (some including additional interest), though after non-payment on deferrals for three, four, six, eight months, one has to question whether these "assets" are worth anything at all.

When all of the kick-the-can-down-the-road measures are exhausted, there's going to be an even bigger pile of debt that in all likelihood will be defaulted upon by businesses and individuals. The process, just like the mortgage crisis more than a decade ago, will take years to play out. After all, it's much bigger, engulfing every social and economic strata in the country, and to a larger extent, the world.

By the time it's all over, say in three to four years, America will be unrecognizable from what it was in 2019. Anybody still holding on to a belief that life is somehow going to return to normal, when evidence is mounting that the reserve status of the US dollar is failing and that a new global digital currency is already in the works by central bankers is simply whistling past the gravestones.

Life is never again going to be "normal" if the elite in government, media, medicine, and industry have their way. The point is to not allow them to have it, though, judging by the mask-wearing sheep populating what used to be a free country, Americans are more than willing to give up all of their liberties for a little money (UBI, Universal Basic Income, anybody?) and some perceived safety (vaccine). If you allow government to demean, discredit, and control your life, you'll get exactly what you deserve, the chains of slavery.

The choices each of us makes today, during the phasing in of a new economy, a new world order, will have profound effects on the future.

Good luck. Let your own best interests be your guide.

At the Close, Monday, August 31, 2020:
Dow: 28,430.05, -223.85 (-0.78%)
NASDAQ: 11,775.46, +79.86 (+0.68%)
S&P 500: 3,500.31, -7.70 (-0.22%)
NYSE: 13,045.60, -125.40 (-0.95%)

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