Friday, February 12, 2021

Where We Go From Here

Life goes on.

Despite media-driven horrors of the mildest pandemic in recorded history and the absurdly restrictive commands of droning government officials, most people of the world have trudged along through 2020 and into the new year without too much difficulty.

A couple rounds of money from the government, along with rent and mortgage moratoria have helped ease the pain of job loss, sickness, loneliness, and the dehumanizing effects of social distancing, stay-at-home orders, and mask mandates.

Reported cases of COVID-19 are on the decline, as are hospitalizations and deaths. The official narrative is changing. Life is beginning to gradually return to normal. Within a few months time there may actually be fans in stadiums across America enjoying Major League Baseball (we are hopeful).

We've all gone through a rough patch. Its time to stand up, take stock, become resilient and self-reliant and look at ways to make change and ensure that something like the events of 2020 never happen again.

All America - or, for that matter, any country - needs to prosper are a stable economy, an honest media, and political leaders whose primary responsibility is to the welfare of the people. Regrettably, we presently have none of those and that needs to change, the sooner the better.

Restoring the economy will require a return to honest money, away from the fiat regime of the Federal Reserve and towards acceptance of bitcoin, gold, and especially silver as legal tender. According to the US constitution, a dollar equals 371.25 grains of pure silver, or 77.344 percent of a troy ounce. This will take time, effort, and probably a great deal of pain and suffering for the elitist establishment.

Fixing the media will require repudiation of mainstream narratives and a trend toward alternative news and opinion sources. This is already well underway, thanks, in large part, to the numbing, dumb-downing of televised network news and the advance of internet resources. What's needed is a backwards morphing of internet alternative media into radio and broadcast television.

Generating trust in political structures is by far the biggest challenge. America's leaders have failed, spectacularly. By and large, the interests of elected officials and the minions of the bureacracies they command have worked against the public for decades and must be repaired, replaced, and repealed.

Political institutions are badly broken. The 2020 US elections are the laughingstock of the world. Somehow, power was attained by people who conspired to rig the election of a fake president and to thwart the will of the people. Barring wholesale insurrection, the most efficient way to change the power structure in Washington, DC and in state capitols, county seats, and city offices is to ignore or undermine their commands, dictates, regulations, mandates and directives, first by the people, secondarily by those in unelected public service positions.

It will take time to undo the damage done by the corrupt politicians. Voting them out of office is not a viable option unless the voting system is dramatically changed. The major parties have a stranglehold on the process. Disregarding their elections will prove to be a more valuable tool towards dethroning the usurpers. Withdrawing consent by not participating, and promoting the fact that theirs are not mandated positions will prove a powerful weapon against tyranny.

Additionally, the tortuous ideas, memes, and concepts generated by a very small but vocal minority of racist, sexist, anti-American rhetoric needs to be put back in its place, on the fringes of society, not at the vanguard.

Together, Americans are strong. There are 330 million of us and only a few hundred of the oppressors in our nation's capitol. Remember that the next time some government goon tries to infringe upon your freedom, your inalienable rights, your liberty.

We can take back the country, but we must be vigilant and unbending in our resolve.

Not to get too far off track, but here's Vladimir Putin, sounding very much like a 70s-era moderate Democrat, humanist, and environmentalist, politely pooping all over the "Great Reset" agenda promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

At the Close, Thursday, February 11, 2021:
Dow: 31,430.70, -7.10 (-0.02%)
NASDAQ: 14,025.77, +53.24 (+0.38%)
S&P 500: 3,916.38, +6.50 (+0.17%)
NYSE: 15,297.09, +23.19 (+0.15%)

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