Tuesday, August 4, 2020

We Are All In This Together, But You Are On Your Own

This morning, the Miami Herald reports: 2 more Florida teens die of complications related to COVID-19, data show

That brings the number to seven the number of children under the age of 19 that have died from COVID-19. A total of 38,171 children have contracted the disease, according to Florida's data, bringing the case fatality rate (number of deaths divided by the number of positive tests) for teens and pre-teens in Florida to 0.018, or just less than two in 10,000 who will die from COVID-related illness or complications of those diagnosed with it.

Just to be doubly sure to cover all the bases in an effort at "honest journalism," the Herald reporters made sure to include this oft-used phrase:

Additional information on both teenagers, including whether they had any preexisting heath conditions, was not immediately available.

Nationwide, nearly 90% of all deaths attributed to COVID-19 were people with pre-existing medical conditions, the most prevalent being obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

It is stories like this one in the Miami Herald that are designed to keep the level of panic and confusion high among the general population. Fear and panic are key to getting people to submit to the will of government, be it wearing face masks, sheltering in place, keeping "social distance" or any of a handful of useless ideas that federal and state governments have imposed upon citizens over the past six months.

It being useless to try to convince millions of Americans that there's really little danger to the vast majority of people when the mainstream media is mimicking Chicken Little with a "sky is falling" message, Downtown Magazine has taken to presenting information that diverges from the fake news in an effort to at least keep some critical conversation active. Here are some of our findings, with links and occasional commentary.

COVID-19 poses virtually no health risk to athletes.

Quercetin Antiviral Effects with Zinc (Ionophore)

This is a very positive paper promoting quercetin as an ionophore (a substance which is able to transport particular ions across a lipid membrane in a cell) for zinc, to allow zinc (Zn2+) to enter cells and inhibit entry of coronavirus, thus eliminating the risk of infection nearly 100%.

Quercetin + Zinc = NO COVID

The comment thread at Zero Hedge is loaded with stories and links:


by user TRM (with edits):

Moderna and NIAID (Gates, Fauci, etc.) have a BLATANT conflict of interest.

"It’s completely correct to say that NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, which is part of the NIH and is headed by Dr. Fauci) will reap a profit on the Moderna/NIAID vaccine. There are 6 NIAID scientists who work for Dr. Fauci, each of whom would get $150,000/year indefinitely as their reward. So that’s $900,000 to his subordinates every year in perpetuity." - Mary Holland, General Counsel, RFK Jr's Children’s Health Defense

1) They skipped animal testing and went straight to humans.
2) The COVID vaccine it’s working on utilizes brand new RNA technology.
3) No RNA drug or vaccine product has ever been certified for public use.
4) Other companies have tried and failed, mainly because safety was a serious problem.
5) Moderna is partnering with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the federal agency headed up by Tony Fauci. This is a BLATANT conflict of interest.

Ian Haydon volunteered to test Moderna’s experimental COVID vaccine. Moderna chose Haydon for the study because of his robust good health. He was among the 15 volunteers in the high dose group. Less than 12 hours after vaccination, Hayden suffered muscle aches, vomiting, spiked a 103.2 degree fever and lost consciousness. His girlfriend caught him as he fell.

Within 45 days 20% experienced “serious” adverse events according to Moderna’s press release meaning they REQUIRED hospitalization or medical intervention.

Previous SARS-CoV Vaccine Attempts


At first, the experiment seemed successful as all the animals developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the WILD VIRUS, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs. Researchers had seen this same “enhanced immune response” during human testing of the failed RSV vaccine tests in the 1960s. Two children died.

Influenza Vaccine "Significantly Associated" With Increased Risk Of coronavirus


The study found that those who had been vaccinated with the flu vaccine had a 36 percent higher risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2.

FDA Lowering Effectiveness Requirements


"In its guidance, FDA said it expected sponsors to demonstrate a vaccine is at least 50% effective in a placebo-controlled trial, with an adjusted lower bound of >30%."

Yes, you read that correctly. The FDA will accept a coin toss for effectiveness when you need 70% to stop the virus! Don't worry though you'll need multiple shots anyway because ...

Fauci conceded that vaccine immunity may only last a few months and both he and Bill Gates are suggesting that the vaccine may not even prevent transmission!

-Conclusion: If you need a conclusion for this part I am truly at a loss for words.

It is quickly becoming a solution looking for a problem. The Oxford vaccine group are lamenting the fact that it is dying out so quickly in the UK that they may not have anyone to test it on. Like that is a bad thing?

Nobel-laureate Dr. Michael Levitt (Chemistry and structural biology at Stanford) has made another prediction.

July 25, 2020: "US COVID19 will be done in 4 weeks [Aug 25] with total reported deaths below 170,000. How will we know it is over? Like for Europe, when all cause excess deaths are at normal level for week. Reported COVID19 deaths may continue after 25 Aug. & reported cases will, but it will be over."

Now, past performance doesn't guarantee future results but at least he was correct on his predictions unlike the "experts" the governments are mindlessly following.

The CDC is now showing "total/excess" deaths so we can all track it here. Scroll down to the chart:


Quercetin + Zinc = NO COVID

From user NotAGenius:

Never had the flu and I'm 72. Never took that horrible flu shot since it's worthless at best. Been trying to catch this cold bug for months, never wore any muzzle, never will. I'm probably testing (+) for covid-19 by now but so what - it'll never affect me and these antibodies I've acquired over 72 years confer lifetime immunity, that's what antibodies do and why they exist, so folks like me never get sick. In fact we now know that old cold and flu antibodies make at least 60% of us immune to covid-19 from day 1, that's me and millions like me.

Read about my acquired immunity to covid-19, like 60% of Americans / ~180 millions of us who'd never be affected by this cold bug due to our antibodies acquired over a lifetime:


From user DYS:

According to the CDC website, national deaths related to Covid have been declining since April 18. Every week, less deaths. You'll never hear about it, though.


From user Jugs Fan:

The whole Covid 19 vaccine thing is a scam to enrich big pharma, at best. At worst, it's a depopulation ploy (I doubt this). Evidence:

1) There has never been a vaccine for a coronavirus. Common cold aids, aids, etc. They mutate too fast. https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-vaccine-may-be-impossible-to-produce-scientists-covid-2020-4?op=1

2) The fastest vaccine for anything took 5 years. https://www.msn.com/en-ie/news/other/the-fastest-ever-vaccine-took-5-years-deputy-cmo-ronan-glynn-rules-out-covid-19-vaccine-being-ready-by-late-summer/ar-BB14irpk

3) The all out disinformation campaign against HCQ.

4) France banned HCQ before trump ever mentioned it. I.e., its a global scam.

5) Fauci is in on it. https://prepareforchange.net/2020/07/13/new-docs-nih-owns-half-of-moderna-vaccine/comment-page-1/

From user Being Free:

Aug 2, Sweden: 66,971 active cases only 37 (0.06%) are serious or critical, 1 new death reported. 7-day avg # deaths is 1/day and falling.

It's already over, over there.



Jon Rappoport checks in with:

COVID case numbers far lower than claimed

A main reference for Rappoport's and other articles is https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/if-covid-fatalities-were-90-2-lower-how-would-you-feel-about-schools-reopening/

Quercetin + Zinc = NO COVID

Just checking... has anyone ever seen or heard any government operative ever talk about strengthening one's immune system as a way to limit the possibility of contracting COVID-19 or any other illness?

Check your memory banks. Waiting.... Waiting.... Waiting.................

Yeah, I thought so.

Why?????? Does the government want us to be ignorant? Don't answer that.

Quercetin + Zinc = NO COVID

Moving on.

Finally, this is interesting:

Culprits Behind Covid-19 Coronavirus Epidemic Reveal Their Destructive Agenda, by Bill Sardi, covers the Great Reset Summit scheduled for 2021 by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Yes, that's the one held every winter in Davos, Switzerland where world political and business leaders rub elbows and dream up world domination schemes.

Here's how the WEF puts it:

"The Great Reset" will be the theme of a unique twin summit to be convened by the World Economic Forum in January 2021. In-person and virtual dialogues will address the need for a more fair, sustainable and resilient future, and a new social contract centered on human dignity, social justice and where societal progress does not fall behind economic development. The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.

We are all in this together, but, you have to make your own decisions, so, in some very real ways, you are on your own.

At the Close, Monday, August 3, 2020:
Dow: 26,664.40, +236.10 (+0.89%)
NASDAQ: 10,902.80, +157.50 (+1.47%)
S&P 500: 3,294.61, +23.49 (+0.72%)
NYSE: 12,536.81, +71.81 (+0.58%)

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