Wednesday, December 9, 2020

COVID Vaccines Are Unnecessary; Ivermectin Is A Wonder Drug According to Milwaukee Doctor, Studies

The mainstream media will continue to lie to the American people and the world until people stand up to them and call them out.

They've been pushing the COVID-19 pandemic for 10 months and are now spouting off about the "second wave" rolling through the country. What the media and NIH (National Institutes of Health) do not want people to know is that there are preventive treatments that will render the COVID-19 virus null and void.

At a hearing before the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday, Dr. Pierre Kory, a respected physician at Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center in Milwaukee, told committee members in no uncertain terms:

"Mountains of data have emerged from many centers and countries around the world, showing the miraculous effectiveness of Ivermection. It basically obliterates transmission of this virus. If you take it, you will not get sick."

The truth cannot be told any more clearly than that. Stop the madness of lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, curfews, and economy-killing resolutions by power-mad governors. There are safe and effective methods of treating and preventing COVID-19 that fall well short of mass vaccination with vaccine medicines that are untested and of which the long-term effects are unknown.

Turn off the mainstream TV news, take off the masks of stupidity and slavery, and free yourself from the tyranny of controlled propaganda.

Who are you going to believe, this front line doctor who actually treats COVID patients and has done the research or the politically compromised Dr. Anthony Fauci who flaunts the use of masks and social distancing (which don't work, obviously) and untested vaccines?

At the Close, Tuesday, December 8, 2020:
Dow: 30,173.88, +104.09 (+0.35%)
NASDAQ: 12,582.77, +62.83 (+0.50%)
S&P 500: 3,702.25, +10.29 (+0.28%)
NYSE: 14,402.17, +47.20 (+0.33%)

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