Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Stocks Drop, Then Pop; Global Financial News

Now we're supposed to believe that there's a new, deadlier strain of the coronavirus out there that may or may not be effectively nullified by the new vaccines that are being foisted upon the public.

OK. If you want to believe all of this, you can take the short bus to the bridge I have for sale.

Notice that the new coronavirus strain was found in England, the same country that's been trying to extricate itself form the European Union since the public voted to do so nearly four years ago. How convenient, that as the deadline for a formal exit from the EU approaches, England is cut off from the rest of the continent, stoking fears that the country will run out of food, medical supplies, and other necessities.

It's a crock. By most accounts, there are somewhere between six and 30 strains of coronaviruses extant in the world today and all of them are simple mutations from a main virus. The reason a virus mutates is simple: to spread more readily so that it can survive. It's likely that the new strain is less deadly than the fake strain already causing global panic. Yes, the one that kills about .03% of those infected.

The reality is that this "pandemic" is all due to a virus about as nasty as the common cold for most. It's been used - and continues to be used - as a control mechanism by government, the medical community, and the media. Deaths from Covid are a tiny percentage (about 6%) of the total reported deaths with Covid and all the masking-up, locking down, and fussing over this non-lethal virus has caused more damage than the virus ever will. It's all intended to violate your rights, destroy the global economy, and subjugate the vast populations of the world to the Great Reset planned and promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and its James Bond-type leader, Klaus Schwaub. He's actually written a book about it and it's available on Amazon.

So, Monday, when the news broke that this new strain was running loose in Great Britain, European stocks slumped and US futures fell. But then what happened? When US cash markets opened, sure, they were down, but by the end of the day, the Dow was green and the other indices suffered minor losses. And, on Tuesday, European markets were all higher. Virus hysteria is just another means to redistribute wealth and shares of stock. Weak hands sell, strong hands buy. Nothing mysterious about that at all. It's market manipulation 101.

As far as retaining civil rights and freedom are concerned, Europe is pretty much already a lost cause. Governments long ago took away citizens' rights to bear arms, and their systems are already largely socialistic. America still has time, but it's running short. If Joe Biden is inaugurated on January 20, 2021, it's over. The outcomes are either civil war or total subjugation. The coronavirus has been used to take away rights and freedoms, and it's been employed very successfully by a globalist tyranny.

Bottom line, here are some simple truths about the coronavirus:

  • It's real, but it's not deadly. Most people who contract it don't even know they have it or have what amounts to a mild dose of the flu.
  • It's being used by government, media, and the medical community to control people and rake in money.
  • Masks, lockdowns, and vaccines are ineffective and possibly harmful.
  • Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and other preventive treatments are available and they work, but the medical mafia doesn't want the public availed of them.
  • The rights of billions of people are being violated, daily.
  • No links were provided in this article because people need to verify facts for themselves.

    BTW: all markets, from stocks, to bonds, to precious metals, oil, commodities, and forex are controlled by big money financial institutions, hedge funds, and central banks. The only "markets" that may be beyond the control of nefarious actors are cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Etherium, and others, though governments are working hard to try to regulate and tax them. So far, they've only been mildly successful.

    At the Close, Monday, December 21, 2020:
    Dow: 30,216.45, +37.40 (+0.12%)
    NASDAQ: 12,742.52, -13.12 (-0.10%)
    S&P 500: 3,694.92, -14.49 (-0.39%)
    NYSE: 14,378.85, -88.97 (-0.61%)

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