Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Stocks Falter As 2020 Trudges To A Close; 2021 Likely To Be Worse

As capital markets go, there was a disturbance in the farce on Tuesday, as European stocks took off and US stocks stalled out. After making all-time highs on Monday, the three main indices (Dow, NASDAQ, S&P) retreated slightly, expressing at least a little bit of pessimism that economic recovery from the CV-19 pandemic of 2020 was not going as smoothly as anticipated.

A "V-shaped recovery" was never going to materialize while small businesses were shuttered by the thousands, commercial and residential rents were largely deferred until some later date, and residential, government-backed mortgages were placed on hold, put in abeyance or otherwise not serviced in timely manners, and new unemployment claims continued to pour in at levels not seen since the Great Depression.

The only people who believed in such nonsense were the clinically insane, mentally-challenged, and just plain gullible sheep-people who populated most of urban America.

When you have people like Klaus Schwaub, founder and director of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, calling for a Great Reset, well-informed people will quickly come to the realization that "reset" and "recovery" are nearly diametrically-opposed conceptual constructs which cannot, in the real world, be reconciled in an orderly manner.

Taking an analogy of a sick patient, a doctor seeing recovery would find the patient's blood counts improved, breathing more relaxed and natural, color gradually returning to cheeks, and generally better overall mood and bodily function. In the case of a reset, the patient, in a prone position on a hospital bed, wheezes all night, heart rate slows, bodily functions cease functioning until put on life support, pumped with experimental drugs and blood transfusions until reaching a level of functional sustainability with the help of more drugs, stimulants, and maybe a catheter to control the effusion of toxins.

The recovered patient would gradually return to pre-existing condition without after-effects. The reset patient would be molded and coaxed into a condition of dependency on medicine or other ambulatory devices dissimilar to the prior, pre-illness condition.

Instead of a recovery to a so-called "new normal," a reset is where the US and global economies are headed. The promise to "Build Back Better" so often flouted by the elite super-structuralists who view globalization, slavish adherence to dictates, and overt population control as panacea for their new world order failed to mention that what they intend to build back will be better for them, but not necessarily so for the 99% of the world that will be forced to live under the thumb of their dominion.

So, it's crystal-ball-gazing time as the world tries to live out the remaining few days of 2020 without succumbing to depression, disease or starvation, all of which will be in-your-face elements of 2021.

In all seriousness, as bad as 2020 was and continues to be, 2021 is likely to be even worse for a majority of people not in the big club of politicians, bankers, and propagandists otherwise known as the mainstream media.

The year of 2021 will be marked by even more scary stories about diseases led by the CV-19 strain mutating into more virulent forms, government non-legal mandates growing exponentially, economic and mental depression, and living conditions unlike anything seen since the 1930s.

Nothing will be "back to normal." Facial coverings, masks, will likely be mandated to even larger swaths of society. Money will become scarce, the government forced to issue more $600, $1200, or $2000 checks to those deemed worthy of a pittance of hope. The stock market will continue going up until some realization of where exactly we are and where we are all headed (hint: gates of hell) becomes accepted and normative. At that point, one of the greatest economic collapses of all time will commence. 2020 was only a prelude to the actual disaster awaiting in 2021.

There will be no recovery so long as individuals are mandated to do as the government wishes and compliance is high, as it is today, clearly expressed by the preponderance of mask-wearers, social-distancers, and bleating, frightened sheep-people clamoring for more more government benefits, bailouts, buyouts, and biscuits.

Government employees at all levels - local, state, federal - will be well-compensated for their strict adherence to mandates and control over the rest of society. Go to a bank, a school, a police precinct, a court, or any government office and the smug, down-looking attitude of the drone-like civil servants will be obsequious and unrelenting.

You will be told endlessly to do things you would otherwise be opposed to: wear a mask, don't touch anything or anybody, get immunized, carry your papers, be searched, stripped of your rights, dehumanized. The planet will be reduced to a global plantation where you are the slave and the government is the master, the exact opposite of life prior to the pandemic.

Not that everybody will willingly accept what the government, the medical community, and the media is thrusting upon society, there will be protesters, civil disturbances, rule-benders, law-breakers, mass shootings, mass incarcerations, arson, robberies, rapes, murders, looting, and destruction of everything, everywhere. It's not going to be pretty and there's no escaping it other than by individual action as there is no organized resistance. And, even if there were, it would be crushed under the boot of the new tyranny in short order.

If you're thinking that 2020 was other-worldly, just wait until you see what's in store for 2021. It will be like traveling into a different dimension, a twilight zone of despondency, despair, and depression. Klaus Schwaub says, “You will own nothing and you will be happy.” Good luck with that as a leading indicator.

Happy New Year? Not just yet. Some rays of hope and streams of instruction tomorrow in the final 2020 post at Money Daily.

At the Close, Tuesday, December 29, 2020:
Dow: 30,335.67, -68.30 (-0.22%)
NASDAQ: 12,850.22, -49.20 (-0.38%)
S&P 500: 3,727.04, -8.32 (-0.22%)
NYSE: 14,397.92, -7.85 (-0.05%)

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