Thursday, November 5, 2020

As Biden Creeps Closer To The Presidency, Wall Street Throws Itself A Party

Evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 elections is mounting and challenges by the Trump team are growing while voters on both sides are seething, especially the rabid supporters of President Trump.

Superficially, it's difficult to comprehend how Joe Biden could possibly have garnered more votes than any other presidential candidates in history, including recent Democrat darlings Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. While Trump's numbers are equally astounding, Biden's current tally of 71,598,750 votes (50%) is simply not realistic (Trump has 68,459,768 votes (48%)).

If Biden's figures are to be believed, the path to victory for all future candidates would follow his progression to some degree. First, the eventual successful candidate would have to have run twice before and lost, then after being vice president for eight years, take four years off to allow the party's preferred candidate (in this case Hillary Clinton, 2016) to run, then emerge looking haggard with a cheap set of dentures and some shoddy cosmetic surgery, win the Iowa caucus only after losing and having the party reallocate the delegates in your favor, lose the first two primaries in New Hampshire and Nevada, then win South Carolina only after the other viable candidates drop out of the race simultaneously except for the radical independent candidate (Bernie Sanders).

From there, it's a cakewalk, with a pandemic used as an excuse to keep the crowds at rallies low and run the table to the nomination in a largely under-reported race to the nomination. Choose a running mate that the early primary voters universally rejected, then spend the next two months in your basement, emerging sporadically wearing a mask to give speeches in empty airplane hangars or in front of a half dozen or so socially-distanced supporters and a number of people honking horns in their parked cars, all the while having the pollsters place you far ahead of an extremely popular president who draws crowds in the tens of thousands while the media hammers your opponent relentlessly as a liar, racist, cheat, womanizer, dunce, loudmouth, virus spreader, and other disparaging characterizations.

Choose to have three debates but only hold two, winning the first one by having the moderator harrang and harass your opponent. Claim every allegation of wrongdoing on your part as false or debunked. With days to go before the election, have an influence-peddling scandal break against you in a major newspaper (NY Post) only to have social media and the mainstream press censor and ignore the story completely. With mail-in voting allowed in more than half the states, you fall far behind on election day, losing Florida and Ohio badly, only to win a handful of battleground states (Wisconsin, Michigan) the following day as votes magically appear, erasing your opponent's lead and putting you ahead.

Wait a few days as some of the mathematically-challenged states (North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania) slow walk the vote counting as your vote count gradually eats away at your opponent's leads and your electoral college numbers slowly creep towards the mythical 270 mark.

Seriously, this scenario is only believable in bizarro-world, which the United States apparently fell into through some space-time warp sometime in March. Meanwhile, the vote counting continues. Biden is on the cusp of victory while President Trump files lawsuits and demands recounts. Paramount in this ongoing fiasco are the huge number of mail-in and absentee votes cast prior to election day. Unprecedented, mail-in ballots and early in-person voting will account for more than half of all votes cast. As the president warned repeatedly, and the media denied just as often, mail-in voting was ripe for fraud and that's apparently what happened in the 2020 vote.

As the United States trudges toward a decision in what may shake out as the most corrupted election in the country's history, people have to do what they do, go to work, collect unemployment, protest and riot. For its part, Wall Street sees a party as the rally that began on Monday hit overdrive on Wednesday. All of the major indices put on sharp gains. In particular, the NASDAQ took off like an Elon Musk rocket, gaining nearly four percent on Wednesday.

With Thursday's trading just ahead, futures are once again pointing to a huge upside at the opening bell. And why not? With Sleepy Joe Biden apparently gliding toward a corrupted, stolen victory, the grifters on Wall Street, criminals to the core, see the money flowing from future president Joe's deficit spending and handouts directly into stocks and to their bonus checks.

Even if you don't own stocks, you have to marvel at the levels of corruption and audacity at the highest levels of government and finance. Regular working stiffs, who largely don't have half a million stashed away in a retirement plan need not worry, because, as we all know, the Wall Street millionaires and billionaires all ascribe to the trickle down theory of economics and want nothing more than to create high-paying jobs for regular people (that's a joke son).

No, making money on Wall Street isn't for everybody. It's a tight little club that is open only to those on the inside select, and that selection process doesn't include waiters, nurses, teachers, baristas, dog groomers, carpenters or any of the countless "little people" jobs that actually keep the economy humming along.

Thanks to the pandemic, shutdowns, lockdowns and social distancing requirements, most of those jobs and small businesses are going by the wayside. Walmart, Target, Home Depot and other mega-corporations will likely fid new avenues for revenue in providing services to the population. Sure, Suzy Q will still be clipping your dog's nails, but she'll be doing it as an employee, not as the owner of her own business. That's the kind of economy that's coming down the pike. Everybody is a worker, owned by a corporation and listed as an asset. Kurt Vonnegut would be proud.

That's the kind of future that's been planned for us, so the election was kind of a big deal because if Biden wins, there will be tacit approval of dystopia by the federal government. Trump was seen as a major impediment to the ends of the elitists from Davos' World Economic Forum and the technocrats of Silicon Valley, so he had to go, and the only way they could get him out of the way to to steal the election. Sad. But, true, and most people know it.

At this juncture, it's not yet over. Biden hasn't wrapped up the presidency yet and Trump still has an outside chance of gaining enough electoral votes to ascend to a second term. But, don't count on it. There are significant forces aligned against him and they're capable of just about any kind of atrocity. It's pretty obvious that the deep state tentacles extend just about everywhere and denying President Trump a second term in office is at the top of their top agenda. Trump's pathways to victory include either winning the few remaining states that haven't already found enough extra votes to put Biden in the winner's circle or getting actual relief via vote audits, recounts, and lawsuits, eventually all the way to the Supreme Court.

He's got a chance to win this still, but the clock is ticking, there are major forces aligned against him and most of his supporters are now in a state ranging from numbness to outrage, neither of those doing any good towards seeing good triumph over evil.

At this point, everybody needs to help out. Share information on the fraud. Post to social media (if they allow it). Put up signs. Tell people outright that the election of 2020 looks very fishy. Call out the mainstream media.

This is war. We've been at war for nearly five years, since Trump won the Republican nomination all the way to today. We've been subjected to fake media, lies about Trump's character, the Russian hoax, impeachment, extreme media bias. It's time to fight back. You, we, cannot stand idly by and hope that somebody does something. Our president (and yes, Donald J. Trump is still president until January 20, 2021) needs you. He has fought the good fight. It's time for his supporters to do more than wave flags, attend rallies, and vote. Our voices need to be heard, not silenced. Now is not the time to wait or hold back; now is the time to act.

"All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

-- Edmund Burke

At the tip of the election fraud iceberg, here's Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe uncovering some disturbing information from a Michigan postal worker turned whistleblower. Watch this, because this and other stories like it are probably going to become increasingly difficult to find on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. The mainstream media is 100% guaranteed to never mention this at all.

And finally, here's Dr. Chris Martenson with some insight on the elections and the evolving Great Reset. Martenson is insightful, original and often funny. You don't have to agree with him, but his videos are - more often than not - instructive and entertaining.

At the Close, Wednesday, November 4, 2020:
Dow: 27,847.66, +367.63 (+1.34%)
NASDAQ: 11,590.78, +430.21 (+3.85%)
S&P 500: 3,443.44, +74.28 (+2.20%)
NYSE: 12,978.95, +101.49 (+0.79%)

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