Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Only Thing Making Any Sense On Planet Earth Is Bitcoin (Now $18,000 and rising)

The mainstream media lies.

Votes are being challenged and overturned in Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona yet CBS This Morning says not a single vote has been changed. The other networks chime in with the same message. Nothing to see here about this corrupted, stolen election. Move along.

Oil goes up. Gold and silver go down.

Large pasts of the country are shutting down again over a virus that kills 0.02% of the people infected. That's two out of 10,000, and it's even lower for people under the age of 60.

We're supposed to get excited over a vaccine - either the one produced by Pfizer or the one done by Moderna (incidentally, a company that has never produced a useful vaccine, ever) - that is supposedly 95% effective in -- we're not sure... stopping the virus? preventing infection? killing the virus?

It doesn't make any sense. why risk getting a vaccine, of which the long-term effects are unknown that will have a positive effect on 9,500 of 10,000 people, when the survival rate without the vaccine is 9,998 out of 10,000?

And why isn't the American public informed about alternative treatments like Vitamin C, D3, Zinc, Quercetin, and especially, Hydroxychloroquine, which is widely used in countries across South America, Africa, and the Far East?

Why hasn't Japan shut down? Indonesia? Vietnam? South Korea? Why is China up and running at nearly full capacity?

The media, the government, the medical community just doesn't want the public to know that the COVID-19 coronavirus isn't even as deadly as the seasonal flu. Could it be because by issuing stay at home edicts, mask mandates, travel restrictions, social distancing requirements, they exercise control over the whole population?


While millions of Americans are out of work, hundreds of thousands of small businesses shut down permanently, publicly held stocks continue to rise to new all-time highs. What does Wall Street know that everybody else seems to be missing? October retail sales were slow. Year-over-year, US industrial production has fallen for 14 consecutive months, dating back to September of 2019, before the coronavirus was even a thought. October industrial production was down 5.3% in October. Of 6.7% in July, August, September. Prior to that, it declined 4.7% in March, then 16.7% in April, 15.7% in May, 10.7% in June.

What are we missing here?

Movie theaters nationwide are shut down. So are cruise lines. Gyms, barber shops, and beauty salons in many areas are closed. Restaurants, except those that are spawn of massive public corporations which trade on Wall Street and serve GMO garbage without nutritional value, are closed, with more closing every day because of government restrictions and recommendations that aren't even law.

Americans are being told not to celebrate Thanksgiving. Shortly, various state governments will cancel Christmas.

None of it makes any sense.

Except for Bitcoin, which happens to be the one thing that trades outside the control of governments, Wall Street, the media. It cannot be manipulated, controlled, or otherwise compromised. It trades on pure supply and demand. It is the one currency (along with various other cryptocurrencies) that operates freely and cannot be inflated away like the fiat currencies: dollar, yen, euro, pound, yuan.

And, it is soaring in price.


Because people are dissatisfied with their government, their money, taxes, inflation, expenses, lockdowns, unemployment, the media, suppression of gold and silver, lying politicians who go to Washington as middle class citizens and emerge years later as millionaires. So, people are buying Bitcoin. And, as more people buy in, adopting the currency, the price rises. The purchasing power of bitcoin, compared to any fiat currency and even gold and silver, is increasing. Rapidly.

From October 3rd to today, the price of Bitcoin in US dollars has risen from $10,553 to over $18,000 and it's not slowing down. Just a week ago, it was $15,707. It's going parabolic. While it's unlikely to maintain the current trajectory for an extended period, it will continue to rise as more and more people adopt it, buy into it. And, when 26 million PayPal merchants begin accepting Bitcoin as payment for goods and services in the first quarter of 2021, it's likely to rise at an even faster rate.

The more currency the Federal Reserve conjures out of thin air, the more bonds they buy, the larger their balance sheet, the weaker the US dollar becomes. The same is true of the euro, yen, pound, and yuan. They are all being debased. The only currencies that are not being debased are gold, silver, and Bitcoin.

The gold and silver prices are determined by a crooked futures market which allows naked shorting, imposes margin limits and lets banks, like JP Morgan Chase, which has been found guilty of manipulating the precious metals markets and others repeatedly over the past decade, to engage in spoofing and other trading tactics that keep the price of silver and gold down. They cannot do that with Bitcoin. They can, just like everybody else, buy and sell it at current market prices. That's all. And that's why Bitcoin is soaring and will continue to grow. It will become the one true international currency, outside the control of governments - unless they ban it, which some already have, to their detriment - central banks, the BIS, IMF, World Bank, and other institutions that favor currencies that are nothing more than instruments of debt slavery.

Eventually, as Bitcoin gains acceptance to a degree at which it becomes unmistakably mainstream, the media will start calling it a tool of criminals, a risky proposition, or some other form of evil. Just watch. The mainstream media, in collusion with the government, has already tried. They've shut down some exchanges and stolen the Bitcoin. But, that Bitcoin still exists. It will always be in the system. There's nothing more governments can do except confiscate it, make people pay taxes on gains from it, or otherwise try to diminish its value and appeal until eventually, when millions of people are using it, they'll have to ban it or surrender. And then, after they've already taken your liberty, your job, your business, your sports, your schools, your holidays, your votes, they will try to take away your money. Then, what will you have? Nothing.

Until that day comes, Bitcoin makes much more sense than anything on the planet.

At the Close, Tuesday, November 17, 2020:
Dow: 29,783.35, -167.09 (-0.56%)
NASDAQ: 11,899.34, -24.79 (-0.21%)
S&P 500 3,609.53, -17.38 (-0.48%)
NYSE: 13,949.10, -33.09 (-0.24%)

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