Friday, November 20, 2020

Trump Legal Team Presents Evidence, Media Ignores; Nothing Else Matters

"American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government," she said. "We are not going to be intimidated. We are not going to back down. We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it. And we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom."

-Sidney Powell, attorney for President Donald J. Trump

At some point, people have to realize that the stock market doesn't matter, COVID-19 doesn't matter, schools being closed, wearing or not wearing masks, and who you voed for doesn't matter if elections aren't fairly held, transparent, and uncompromized.

What has happened in this country is that the quest for money and power has clouded the collective judgement of politicians and powerful people in the media to a point at which corruption in politics is the norm and the media has failed at every opportunity to present the truth to the American public, whether the public is comfortable with it or not.

This is not a matter of party politics, of Democrats or Republicans, because the corruption has spread so deeply into all levels of government. Greed and avarice This is a matter of national importance. Americans are either going to have a country or they're not. Nothing else matters. One either stands for the rule of law or one doesn't. When Joe Biden claimed this election was "for the soul of the nation" he was, perhaps not accidentally, speaking the truth. America's soul is being tested. President Trump's legal team has made the claim that there was a concerted, organized effort to subvert the honest results of November's elections through illegal means.

Those claims need to be investigated and the media needs to keep the American public informed. Neither of those things are happening. The FBI isn't investigating. The media isn't reporting. If it wasn't for President Trump's dogged determination to seek justice and truth and his legal team's efforts to investigate and litigate, America might very well end up no better than corrupt regimes like Venezuela, Cuba, or communist China.

It's well past time to hold people accountable for their actions and prosecute them for their crimes. Informed Americans who are protesting and begging for answers, for justice, have had enough. They've paid attention, found alternate sources of information, and they do not like what they are seeing.

On it's surface, the idea that Joe Biden, who only captured the Democrat nomination because all the other candidates bowed out, leaving only Biden and leftist independent Bernie Sanders in the bulk of the primaries, chose a vice presidential candidate - Kamala Harris - who never polled greater than five percent in any of the early primaries, who spent the majority of the campaign between August and November sheltered away in his basement, never drawing significant crowds at any of his events, to believe that Biden would receive more votes than any candidate in history stands reality on its head and invites the public to engage in mass delusions.

Only with the aid of the mainstream media has Joe Biden managed to stay out of prison and maintain the stature of a presidential candidate. The media refused to even acknowledge the existence of his son Hunter's laptop, which contained damning evidence of corruption, fraud, bribery and influence peddling even though the original reporting was obtained and revealed by the New York Post, the nation's fourth-largest newspaper in circulation. Social media giants Twitter and Facebook scrubbed mention of the story, censoring it and closing accounts of people and organizations who dared expose the truth.

Joe Biden didn't win the election. He's lucky he hasn't been arrested and thrown in prison. Donald J. Trump won the election. There is no doubt of this. Trump's rallies were attended by tens of thousands of people with more thousands unavailable to gain entry because of the massive crowd size. Trump's supporters were enthusiastic. Biden's supporters - the few that could even be found - were not excited about their selected candidate.

To some, the claims made by Trump's legal team may sound fantastic and unbelievable. To be sure, to think that any group of individuals or collective or organizations would attempt to steal a national election in what's supposed to be the most free and democratic country on the face of the planet, stretches the imagination, but that's what happened.

Democrats, aided and abetted by deep state operatives in the CIA and FBI who either stood down or assisted in corrupt, illegal election practices, helped by the mainstream media which peddalled false stories of corruption and collusion with Russia and Ukraine, supported the phony Mueller investigation, pushed hard for impeachment, have been trying to get rid of Donald J. Trump from the day he announced his candidacy in 2015. They failed to keep him from the Republican nomination. They failed to keep him from winning the presidency in 2016, and they were so afraid they would fail again in 2020, they resorted to cheating and subverting the will of the American people by rigging the vote.

They have failed again and President Trump's legal team are exposing them and the president will eventually prevail. Elections in most, if not all of the states they are contesting - Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and possibly New Mexico and Virginia - will be overturned, either by state or federal circuit courts, or the Supreme Court, or the election will thrown to the congress where the president will prevail.

Until the 2020 elections are resolved, there is no other story that even approaches its importance. It is the duty of every American to stay informed and focused on finding out the truth, not the lame denials and cries of "false claims" or "debunked" by the mainstream media, and to demand the truth, to demand honesty and the rule of law.

If Americans cannot be relied upon to seek justice and truth, then there is no point in elections. eJust tear up the constitution and let the people with the most money, or the most influence, or the most dirt on their opponents, rule the land and bow to the annointed kings, queens, princes, and princesses. That is not what America is about. We cannot allow our constitution to be shredded, our traditions to be bastardized, lamented, destroyed. We cannot allow our country to be taken over by people who seek to enslave and imprison all of us.

Below is the press conference held by President Trump's legal team on Thursday. If you can't devote some time to view at least some of it, at least understand that it was not aired by ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, FOX, CNN, PBS, and the Washington Post, New York Times and Associated Press coverage consisted of an utterly unconvincing, laughably insipid "fact-checking" article that proved nothing other than the media is still aligned against the president.

If the president and his legal team are engaged in some kind of fantasy witch hunt, if they have no evidence as the media continues to falsely claim, then why don't they roll the tape, let it all hang out. After all, they hate President Trump with a passion. Here they have the perfect opportunity to make him look like a fool, a cheat, a liar, a hater, a racist. Why won't they report any of it? Why? Why? Why?

At the Close, Thursday, November 19, 2020:
Dow: 29,483.23, +44.81 (+0.15%)
NASDAQ: 11,904.71, +103.11 (+0.87%)
S&P 500: 3,581.87, +14.08 (+0.39%)
NYSE: 13,863.23, +54.58 (+0.40%)

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